Cadastre includes all the following works: measurements, data collection, mapping (cartography), publication of information on the technical and legal aspects for the correct delimitation of immovable property and of properties located within and outside of built-up areas.

Topoexim is a company specialized in cadastre-expropriation services based on a country-wide infrastructure and provides a full range of services to its clients:

  • Implementation of cadastre for administrative-territorial units
  • Design and development of general and specialized cadastral systems at the macro and micro level
  • Cadastral measurements using state-of-the-art technologies
  • Creation of cadastral databases by using GIS applications
  • Development of cadastral plans at different scales
  • Development of cadastral registers/documentation
  • Consultancy and management of property registration

Our clients are the National Agency for Cadastre and Land Registration and numerous Romanian local authorities.


The expropriation procedure requires the dispossession of a right; in Romania it concerns especially the expropriation of land for public interest or public utility necessary to implement large-scale projects undertaken by railway, road, water, and other agencies.

Our company is involved in projects of expropriation for public utility, necessary to achieve objectives of national, county, and local interest:

  • Construction, rehabilitation, and modernization of roads
  • Rehabilitation, construction, and extension of railway/road infrastructure
  • Development of airport infrastructure

Topoexim specializes in cadastre-expropriation services based on a country-wide infrastructure and provides a full range of services to its clients:

  • Obtaining the documentation for expropriation
  • Development of the plan containing the location of all properties in the area to be expropriated/transferred
  • Creation of the database of private and public properties
  • Drafting of the evaluation report on the real property/immobile subject to expropriation
  • Cadastral registration of the expropriation corridor
  • Development of the cadastral plan of the expropriation corridor
  • Submission of the (endorsement and approval) documentation attesting the set-aside of agricultural or forested land

Our clients are the Ministry of Transports through: National Company for Road Infrastructure Administration S.A., National Railway Company "CFR" S.A., National Company Bucharest Airports S.A., as well as local authorities.